Clement Beauvais beautiful ink drop

Solidarités International, an international humanitarian organisation, was looking to mark World Water Day with an awareness campaign that highlighted the scourge of undrinkable water. That happened back in March this year but got made aware of this only now.. so you’ll excuse the belated post. We were amazed here by the final effect – ie … Continue reading Clement Beauvais beautiful ink drop

10 cinemagraphs that will amaze you

You may have seen those before or you may have not. but cinemagraphs, as they are called, are hot right now in the design world, blogs and social media platforms. We published before about this new type of media which are still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs. Cinemagraphs, which are usually published in an animated GIF format, can … Continue reading 10 cinemagraphs that will amaze you

Street art, graffiti and big big smackers

Let’s face it, 10 years ago that post would have not existed because ten years ago, street art, graffiti or urban art, let’s call it that, wasn’t around. I actually need to point out that it was around but not as popular as it is now. Now popular often leads to some sort of fame … Continue reading Street art, graffiti and big big smackers