Tag Archives: animated GIF

animated gifs better than 3D

There seems to be a trend amongst many other on the web right now – animated GIFs. I must admit, I love some of them.

Some are hilarious and other rather cleverest than funny. How about this one below (You’ll all have recognised a famous street art work from Banksy)?

Animated GIFs Banksy | Art-Pie

Now, to all things, they are better things? To creativity, there is always more creativity. To animated GIFs, there are Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg’s animated GIFs or rather photos. Next level?  Yes, defintely.

Take Jamie Beck and motion graphics artist Kevin Burg and “cinemagraphs” as they are called, are here for us to enjoy, are here to mesmerised us. Subtle and soft are the feelings that come to mind when I look at these.

How did these come about? The pair was inspired to create these cinemagraphs while preparing to cover Fashion Week this past February: “We wanted to tell more of a story than a single still frame photograph but didn’t want the high maintenance aspect of a video,”

Enough said. Look at these examples below.

Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg cinemagraphs | Art-Pie

Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg cinemagraphs | Art-Pie

Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg cinemagraphs | Art-Pie