Usugrow at Stolen Space: meet hasadu

Inside Stolen Space and looking around Usugrow’s artwork and it is obvious to me: if you are into black and white with punk rock visuals such as skulls and roses, you may well forget the price tags and get the gallery staff to immediately stick up one of those red stickers next to your favorite piece.

Ink on paper is what Usugrow is good at and is what most of his work features. The tracing is very precise, the detail is astonishing.

After a while looking at all these skulls figures, I must say I finally agree with the people at Stolen Space that somewhere Usugrow has been able to make beautiful what could at first sight be miles away from it. Not to mention the Asian style calligraphy that if anything do enhance the whole thing.

Hasadhu is at the center of this new collection and is actually a imaginative character created by Usugrow, a reflexion of his own mind if you like.

Usugrow takes his inspiration mainly from the so-called ‘cholo’ latino gang graffiti style which blossomed back in the 40’s in Los Angeles. Read ‘Los Angeles Barrio Calligraphy’ (by Jerry and Sally Romotsky, Dawson’s Book Shop, 1976 to find out more about that movement or head up to the Graffiti Verite website

Not for everyone’s taste but definitely an artist with high level of perfectionism up his sleeves.

This exhibition runs until the 18th April 2010.


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