Busk Bleach Zadok at Pure Evil gallery

Last time I went to Pure Evil gallery I was blown away by the exhibit I saw from ROA (read post here) as well as the gallery itself and the way it was used: clever and original display of the artwork and above all fresh works from the artist himself on the walls – really like this approach where you feel the gallery is owned by the artist so once again, well done to Charles at Pure Evil.

Even more so when you learn that all the works I was looking at that day has been created just for that show. Busk, Bleach and Zadok have been around for quite a few years with Busk spraying walls as early as 1985 (since 95 and 2000 respectively for the two others), yes he can be called proper old school chap.

I was not surprised to be amazed by the depth of their pieces where compostion seems sometimes epic and tormented but the spray paint technic is clearly mastered. You find yourselves in front of this battle ground of brushtrokes or spray cans strokes should I say but your eyes are often rested by very delicate drawing of faces, animals or objects.

They also seem to grab abything they can and paint on it such as wood panels of all shapes as well as outdoors ashtrays. I was also pleased to see a series of pencils drawings in that show which shows again that talented spray painter are quite often skilled with the pencil too.

This show is now over so look out for the next one and go check out!

Related links
> Read more about the artists on the Pure Evil website
> check out the Banksy forum about the show


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