Artist Denis Medri gives us his vision on how would several Star Wars characters look like if they were from the Eighties. This series is awesome and Denis, beyond is obvious pencil drawing skills, managed to cleverly transpose two worlds miles apart.
Have a look at the pictures below along with the artist’s comments –
“of course Luke is inspired by Marty McFly form Back to the Future… Leila is the classic 80’s chick…”
“Here is Han and Chewbie ,and the Millenium Falcon/Trans AM”
“Of course in this new re-design the Droids have to be the classic Nerds… is R2-D2 the East European nerd student that made an experience in USA of course only C-3PO understand his words..”
“Yoda is the old sage asian Coach, and Kenobi is the kind history & Literature’s teacher…”
“In this my new version of SW , Vader isn’t the Luke’s father, but is the classic bullit of the High School, that try to bring Luke to the “dark side” and been bullit too.. He is the “chief “of a motocross crew of bullit ( like “Karate Kid” or “Lost Kids”) He wear a jacket like Micheal jackson on “Thriller” in a total black look Boba Fett is his “sidekick” wearing his classic 80’s glasses and we have 2 twins that look like Trooper”s style.”
“Palpatine is the evil Principal, Jabba the fat bastard Janitor and Tarkin the severe Mathematic-Science’s teacher”
Medri is the same artist who brought us Steampunk Spider-Man and Batman Rockabilly.