Noise project – Challenge #1 The Pulse

We announced a little while ago that we were part of the Noise Intercepted project, a global art project curated by Labspace Studio (a creative agency & art house in Toronto, Canada). Noise Intercepted is a series of ten experience-activated noise challenges that prompt participants to listen, observe and interact with their urban soundscape in new and unlikely ways.

Challenge #1 is in and so is our entry – see below

Noise challenge #1: The Pulse

If your city had a defining sound, a defining pulse, a defining heartbeat, what would it sound like? look like? or feel like? …where would you go to find it? You have 1 week to venture outside and find the pulse of your city.

We thought for the obvious right away, we need to capture a sound, the pulse. And at night where sight is diminished by the darkness. But we were wrong, the pulse was visual. We started walking down the street trying to hear out for the pulse of the city but we found visual signs everywhere that we immediately associated to the pulse. We had found the pulse: the light.

Then focusing on the light, we sat back and listened and all sort of sound patters came to life. we had found the origin of the pulse: us, humans.

We make the pulse, we are the pulse of the city.

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