All posts by Pierrick Senelaer

Founder of the Art-Pie site. I design and code websites and apps Monday to Friday from 9 to 5 and enjoy drawing, painting and visits to museums and galleries at night and weekends.

Digital painting: not like the real thing isn’t it?

With computers everywhere (or almost) and the digital age, a new form of art is emerging and while the end product can be rather astonishing, this can surely not be compared with the real thing that is painting with a physical medium.

Do not get me wrong here, ART-PIE does not dislike it or having a go at all the digital painters, I am just trying to say that I surely would not get the same feeling of excitement I get with holding a spray paint can or a brush if I had to paint with a computer as my canvas and a stylus or a digitizing tablet(as they call it) as my can or brush – not for me. Continue reading Digital painting: not like the real thing isn’t it?

Banksy v. Robbo: the fight’s still on

Team Robbo and his crew still seem bitter and have painted over another one of Banksy’s pieces in Camden. This guerilla started when Banksy painted over one of Robbo’s historical throwups – see earlier post here. Team Robbo went back to Regent Street Canal and modified the piece which now seems to imply that Banksy is fishing for ‘street cred’.

One thing to notice in all this is the two different approaches – Banksy paints over while Team Robbo ‘alter’ to suit their means. This is probably the only interesting and entertaining aspect of that whole story because to be honest, there is no need for such non-respect.

See below the Banksy piece – Before and After …


Banksy's piece before
Banksy's piece before
After Team Robbo's work
After Team Robbo's work