Gordon Cheung at Room: multi media artist


I always find fascinating when an artist can juggle between medias or techniques, when artists can be as varied as Gordon Cheung is. It is definitely a sign of open mindedness and in this case also talent.

Pyrographics, spray paint, oil, acrylics, sculpture, animation… Gordon Cheung seems to explore everything in is art. THE JOURNEY (ink, acrylic gel and spray paint on canvas), BEAR and BULL (both being acrylic gel and spray on canvases) are definitely my favorite pieces. Acrylic gel is superb to get incredible texture and relief.

Digital painting: not like the real thing isn’t it?

Pepper Robot II by Artgerm

With computers everywhere (or almost) and the digital age, a new form of art is emerging and while the end product can be rather astonishing, this can surely not be compared with the real thing that is painting with a physical medium.

Do not get me wrong here, ART-PIE does not dislike it or having a go at all the digital painters, I am just trying to say that I surely would not get the same feeling of excitement I get with holding a spray paint can or a brush if I had to paint with a computer as my canvas and a stylus or a digitizing tablet(as they call it) as my can or brush – not for me.