There is something beautiful in urban decay when you can imagine how it used to be, how it has been and there was but it might be even more beautiful when something on the verge to vanish forever, is given a last moment of glory.
This is what exactly happened to a massive ten-story building in a low-income housing district of eastern Paris. The site has become one of the largest venues displaying street art ever.
“Tour 13”, as it is called took seven months to complete and iover 100 artists from around the globe had a go at it. Unfortunately the site is now closed and the tower is set to be demolished in the next few days so we wanted to give a a last homage to this ephemeral yet awesome project.
If like us you did not manage to go to Paris to check this out, there is still the Tour13 website to visit as well as the teaser video below as well as the few pics we have included after the fold.
All images from Le Mag De Poche