Animated GIFs | Art-Pie

5 animated GIFs you cannot miss

Animated GIFs have been around for ages, they really have. Who has not seen those crazy ones of animals or people where a short action is captured and play in loop… forever. This was before.

Today there are many artists that are taking animated GIFs to the next level. There are even contests and awards for it. One of those is the 2014 Saatchi Art’s Motion Photography Prize.

We included below those who caught our attention.


Gerardo Juarez
Animated GIFs | Art-Pie Animated GIFs | Art-Pie

Jon Jacobsen
Animated GIFs | Art-Pie

Marius Krivicius
Animated GIFs | Art-Pie

Nikola Silic
Animated GIFs | Art-Pie

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