Tag Archives: Meeting of Styles

Meeting of Styles 2015

Now in its 6th year, Meeting of Styles UK took place again in London. This event was organised by End Of The Line and offer an awesome 3 days of painting and hip hop.

More pictures after the fold

Meeting of Styles UK 2015 | Art-Pie

We could only attend one day but truly enjoyed the authenticity of the event and were pleased to see that it was held at Nomadic Community Gardens, in the heart of East london. This area has become I hear a must-go to see Street Art in London. Other pop up spots included Allen Gardens, Pedley Street, Grimsby Street & Scalter Street.



Meeting of Styles UK 2015 | Art-Pie


Meeting of Styles UK 2015 | Art-PieMeeting of Styles UK 2015 | Art-PieMeeting of Styles UK 2015 | Art-PieMeeting of Styles UK 2015 | Art-PieMeeting of Styles UK 2015 | Art-Pie