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Eating Robots: And Other Stories (Nudge the Future)

I have always been fascinated by SCI-FI subjects like AI – Artificial Intelligence.

AI is real and it’s slowly creeping into our lives, so I should probably not assimilate it to SCI-FI. 

But I ask myself – how far will AI go in controlling our lives?  Will it enhance them? Does AI mean the demise of the Human race – this is SCI-FI to me right now.

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If you feel the same way, Stephen Oram’s Eating Robots: And Other Stories (Nudge the Future) collection of short stories may bring you answers, or clues, as to what AI might look like in 100 years (or less, or more – I do not know).

Robots are AI
Robots are AI

The author’s imagination about the topic is vast and will definitely make you think more about what AI will actually mean to us as humans.

From the ability to share memories with someone you love, to reseting us every 1000 years, and even the ability to choose which celebrity hologram will drive your driverless car today.

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Stephen Oram goes from the very funny (which sometimes turns too silly for my taste), to the depressing and scary when it comes to AI, but why should it be one or the other.

Immerse yourself in these short stories and make up your own mind.

PS: Injecting some good old human anxiety into AI systems may be the answer for the fears we have. Described as the ‘anxiety loop’ by Oram, this sounds like a plan.

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This is how elephants are treated in Mathura during winter

Elephants in Mathura gets wrapped up in jumpers | Art-PieWe all know that Winter can be a cold one.

Some of you may also know that there are nice people out there, so nice that after having been notified about a possible freeze overnight, a few good people in Mathura (India) made jumbo jackets and woollen jumpers for elephants in the region.

This is how elephants are treated in Mathura during winter.

The Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Center helps

The Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Center is actually supporting this and has committed itself to help the women in surrounding villages make these jackets and jumpers to counter attack the freezing winter and its possible damages to the elephants.

Elephants in Mathura gets wrapped up in jumpers | Art-Pie

Here is what Kartick Satyanarayan, CEO of theThe Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Center says about the project –

It is important to keep our elephants protected from the bitter cold during this extreme winter, as they are weak and vulnerable having suffered so much abuse, making them susceptible to ailments such as pneumonia. The cold also aggravates their arthritis which is a common issue that our rescued elephants have to deal with.

We included below some of the colourful garments. We think they are awesome!

Elephants in Mathura gets wrapped up in jumpers | Art-Pie Elephants in Mathura gets wrapped up in jumpers | Art-Pie Elephants in Mathura gets wrapped up in jumpers | Art-Pie

First seen on The Independent

Example of a post

Anonymosch, Otto Schade | Art-Pie
Click to enlarge

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