Sculpture is a fantastic form of art and here, at Art-Pie, our interest is growing every day.
Especially when you see what a bit of imagination and craftsmanship can do.
Meet Robin Wight, artist based in Staffordshire (England) who has taken wires sculptures to the next level.
Fairies at the bottom of the garden
Here is what he says about how his interest for wires fairies sculptures came about. You will indeed notice that the artist has a keen interest in depicting fantasy characters, like fairies, in his sculpture work.
“In 1920 two little girls photographed fairies at the bottom of their garden and created a news sensation. As we know, the photographs were fake, but the story captured the imagination of people who wanted to believe.
A couple of years ago, while trying out my new camera, I took the picture (right) in the woods at the bottom of my garden. It was only later when looking at the results that I spotted the figure in the tree (above). Its obviously a trick of the light coming through the trees. What else could it be?
Whatever it is, it captured my imagination and inspired me to use the idea in my sculpture.”
Just a hobby for now
We understand that Robin Wight only started making Fairies sculptures recently and while it is still a hobby, he hopes to make a living out of it. We do not see why people would not pay for the artists’s creations as they will enhance any garden or parks.
“I only started wire sculptures about a year ago. I’ve been refining the quality and technique and I’m now happy to start doing commission work (before my garden turns into a theme park). Its currently a hobby which I’d like to make a career, but let’s see how much interest there is first. Every fairy is a handmade sculpture uniquely crafted to your desired pose and installation requirements.”
Let your creation go wild and make wires sculptures yourself!
If you are interested in how Robin Wight makes up his wires sculptures, you can head onto his website and read his detailed step-by-step section. I did not imagine how tedious, it would seem, such creations take.
Even better you can even download your FantasyWire Starter Kit