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Democracy Outside – street performances and activism

Words by Clare Cochrane

ART-PIE - Democracy OutsideDemocracy outside or street performance that blurs the boundaries of art and activism, and makes social movement real

A group of people show up in a public space with a banner, placards, leaflets, and a loudhailer. Two people each take a placard and stand a few feet apart, stretching the banner between them. The group stand between the placards, and one person calls out a question about a current political issue through the loudhailer. The huddled people look at each other, and start to move, some towards one placard, marked ‘No’, some towards the other, marked ‘Yes’. The loudhailer is passed around and people take turns explaining their point of view. As the dialogue progresses, people move about, shifting their positions. Slowly passers by gather and join in, and the space for re-imagining democratic exchange grows, as we open our imaginations in response to one another’s questions and reflections, and play at politics together.

ART-PIE - Democracy outside

Opening up public space is right now more urgent than it has been for some time. As the journalist Anna Minton has documented, we have seen an increasing and increasingly rapid privatisation of public space over the last decade or so, – it as as though we are witnessing a 21st century wave of enclosures. In Oxford, where Democracy Outside was first developed and performed, Bonn Square  in the city centre has been declared a ‘licensed venue‘ , so that spontaneous public art and political protests are no longer legal there. The irony is strong: Bonn Square, the traditional site for political gatherings in the city, was named for democracy after the capital of the new West Germany when the two cities were twinned in the early cold war; it hosts the city’s war memorial listing men who died in the first world war too young to vote when the franchise stood at 21; and today it’s the preferred ‘hanging out’ location for excluded, disenfranchised youth who feel unheard and ignored.

Street art has long had a vital role to play in opening up public space. Yes, it brightens up a dull place, but it also demonstrates that it is possible to think beyond what is presented by the authorities. Engaged performance can go further – breathing life into an anaesthetised space. Participatory performance, involving the spectators as performers, as actors, goes another step further still. So much public space has been etherised, deadened, and depoliticised – whether through privatisation or, as in Oxford, through deliberate attempts to stifle and ultimately mute spontaneous expression. People using such spaces become numb, paralysed, stupefied.

Democracy Outside shows a way to change this – in Democracy Outside the spectator / participants break the stupefying spell, activate their imaginations and themselves, and with their voices break the silence. It opens up the public space and invites the public in to experience the possibilities for open democratic dialogue – and to feel how it it is to literally change one’s point of view – to break free of the old back and forth, black vs white of prescribed political exchange.

The artist Shelley Sacks has offered a redefinition of ‘aesthetic‘ as meaning ‘enlivened being’. The challenge is to create, in our anaesthetic public realm of commodified communication, de-politicised debate, and deadened senses, a place where people can be in this (beautiful) state of awareness and connectedness.

James Baldwin said “artists are here to disturb the peace”: if peace means the peace and quiet of deactivated, desensitised space, then this has possibly never been more necessary than it is at this moment in time. Artists and creators – we have a job to do! Let’s do Democracy Outside!

Democracy Outside is touring England in June and July – for more details and to join the dialogue online go to

Meet Mr Unbound or living UNBOUND

Another shoutout to an artist out there. Today we meet Mr Unbound. Here are his words below. If you are an artist and want to feature on the site, tell me.


ART-PIE - Mr Unbound“Well, friends, where do we begin? I am you. You are me. We are Mr. Unbound. Excuse my vagueness, I will have to explain a little bit. This whole movement is about living unbound. No, not living as a Nietzsche-esque, morally unattached person, but living unbound as in the world is your canvas and you are biting at the bit to go out and paint it.

People like Shepard Fairey have used art to call you to question everything around you, and I whole-heartedly support that. This, however, is the next step. Now you have questioned everything. And you see it don’t you? All of the messed up, absolute carnage everywhere. You see how mediocre your life is and how screwed up the world is.

So what does this mean for you? You can take it as it is, suck it up, lock yourself in your minuscule office cubicle and never do anything great in your life. Or you can be Mr. Unbound. You can start actually living with your fellow human beings, speaking out against oppression, racism, violence, and standing up for those who can’t stand for themselves. You can face the obstacles and issues in your life. You can choose to live a life full of passion, love, grace, mercy, thought, gratitude, selflessness, action, and purpose.

ART-PIE - Mr Unbound

Look for my art. Watch for the figure soaring through life. You’ll see it and him and you will be reminded to stop living like an unfulfilled zombie and start living like you’ve got nothing to lose, yet everything to gain. People say life is short, yet they do nothing about it. Its time to start squeezing every single ounce of life out of every second you get and
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-not some cliche little project. If it was, it wouldn’t have taken you to this site would it?

Take some time to think on it. Maybe while you’re thinking you’ll give this a shot. Find your passion and live it. Rise up, live spoken, live unbound, and change the world. You’ve struck gold. You are Mr. Unbound.”

Mr. Unbound is the work and vision of American artist Michael Becker.

Visit Mr Unbound website

Kaws at Gallery Perrotin in Hong Kong

Kaws at Gallery PerrotinToo late to go this year, the Hong Kong International Art Fair, opening this Thursday 17th, is something I should definitely pencil in for next year as when its popularity ever increasing, the quality of the art on display is becoming something.

Take this event for example – KAWS, or Brian Donnelly at Galerie Perotin. First solo show in Asia for KAWS and debut event for the latter, you know it is going to be good, don’t you. This Hong Kong branch of Galerie Perrotin is the newest outpost of the Paris based gallery.

This show focuses on KAWS’ latest paintings and CHUM, the Michelin Man-inspired caricature is well represented again, as it has been in loads of his past shows but this time CHUM looks ominous almost threatening. About 50 vertical paintings, 7 feet tall and 1 feet wide, definitely give a sense of grandeur to the show

The Nature of Need by KAWS
Galerie Perrotin Hong Kong
50 Connaught Road Central |Floor 17| Hong Kong
Exhibition Dates: Now – June 30th, 2012 (Saturday)

Kaws at Gallery Perrotin

Kaws at Gallery Perrotin

Artists pick from the 2012 London art fair – part2

Here is the second part of our artists pick from the 2012 London Art fair | Read part 1 | Read part 3

Pakpoom Silaphan via Scream
Collage and illustration with marker pen and emulsion
Pakpoom Silaphan via Scream

Pakpoom Silaphan via Scream

Zac Freeman via Woolff gallery
Assemblage on board
Zac Freeman via Woolff gallery

Zac Freeman via Woolff gallery

Fernando Kindelan via Olivier Waltman gallery
Oil on canvas
Fernando Kindelan via Olivier Waltman gallery

Greg Miller via Scream gallery
Collage and acrylics
Greg Miller via Scream gallery

Cubeworks via Woolff gallery
Rubiks cubes
Cubeworks via Woolff gallery

Chris Bushe via Painter and Hall
Oil on canvas
Chris Bushe via Painter and Hall

What Barbie is really up to by Tyler Shields

Having two sisters, Barbie dolls have been in sight most of my childhood and seemed anything but wild individuals. But maybe my sisters had a secret, a can’t tell story about these dolls.

I know there was such a story now thanks to Hollywood Tyler Shield’s collaborative work with Emma Roberts, The Scream 4 star, which gets out there what is really going on in the life of this iconic figure that is Barbie.

I knew she never liked Ken.

See more photos after the jump. Courtesy of Tyler Shields

Bad Barbie by Tyler Shields

Bad Barbie by Tyler Shields

Bad Barbie by Tyler Shields