Tag Archives: animation

INSA collaboration with Pepsi Max

We tend not to plug any commercial stuff on this site but we are happy to do this time since the end result is pretty kick-ass.


Pepsi MAX asked people to tell them about the Pepsi Max Cherry and then got artist INSA involved in order to bring to life their words and opinions – we will focus here on the animated GIF outcome and not on the taste of that drink 🙂

British musician Charli XCX made the soundtrack for this animation

How they produced the video below?

A 360 degree camera rig was built around the installation using 90 cameras, allowing every angle of the art to be captured simultaneously.

Each artwork was painted twenty four times over, layer upon layer, so they would animate when put together using stop motion.

Millions of people have watched the video now. That is part of what speaks to youths about such collaborations, INSA tells Marketing: “The young people that are Pepsi’s audience are so used to engaging with things so flippantly and getting instantaneously satisfaction, but knowing that that instant took a whole load of time and effort to make gives that human element within the digital stuff.”

This form or art is called “Gif-iti”, Gif- what sorry?

In this other video below, INSA tells us about how what it’s called GIF graffiti (“Gif-iti”) came about and shows us the “behind the scenes” of another project he was involved with involving a satellite from space.

If you cannot be bothered to watch the video, here is how “Gif-iti” is created – GIF-ITI is made via a laborious physical process involving numerous layers of painting and meticulous planning.

Starting where most artwork ends, GIF-ITI entails photographing each layer the artist paints by hand. These images are then uploaded and overlaid to create the final piece, a looping GIF file which comes to live when released to global audiences online.

Read more on Insa & GIF-iti

Rippled, light painting and animation at their best

There are quite a few light-painting based videos/animations out there these days, some very well done, some others a bit less but what about this one – “RIPPLED“, another collaboration between Darcy Prendergast and the creative team at OH YEAH WOW.

Two words – truly amazing.

You do not get perfection or beauty without pain. 6 months is how long this work took to get wrapped up and frame by frame animation and long exposure technique were how they proceeded. The camera was the weapon and the creativity topped it all off.

Track – All India Radio- The Silent Surf