After the Olympic project and solo show 20:12 two years ago, #CODEFC returns with another solo show and book launch celebrating his 25th anniversary in the graffiti/ street art world.
The book is a collection of photos from as early as 1990 including lettering, free hand painting, sketches, stencils and stickers.
We are giving two readers the chance to win a copy of #CODEFC book.
What you need to do is either subscribe to the Art-Pie newsletter, share this article on Twitter and/or on Facebook using the hashtag #ArtPieCodefcBook.
Easy uh? Hurry up though, the competition ends on Sunday 2nd November midnight
The show will display a series of paintings made in his studios in London from 1997, from older canvases to more recent ones belonging to different collections and projects and also includes paintings started in previous years and then modified for the show.
It will surely give an insight into his studio practice and his graffiti background as not many people has seen before.
We had the chance to get a sneak preview of 20:12, #CODEFC’s London Olympics Installations show opening tomorrow at Curious Duke gallery on Whitecross street. The London-based artist’s 2 year long project is coming to maturation with this show and fits nicely the build up to the London 2012 Olympics.
Using stencil interventions onto London city landscapes, #codefc presents athletes’ imagery in all their splendour and vigour, performing the Olympian feats for which they are known against a backdrop of reconfigured and stretched Olympic rings, their faces replaced with cameras and camcorders – the artist’s signature mark.
The show breaks onto two floors in what is an awesome venue for exhibiting any work. A few pictures are included below of some of the artwork we noticed. We got there when Fab was putting up the stencils cut outs on the wall, you have below some pics of what could be an awesome mural. Come and find out tomorrow.
Curious Duke Gallery
207 Whitecross street, London EC1Y 8QP
Fri June 8th 2012 – Fri June 15th
Private View: Thu June 7th 2012
Fab or #CODEFC has been busy in the last few months and have been throwing a few pieces around town where his current topic, the Olympics, is being broken down according to his mindset.
Stay tune for more information and a sneak preview about his upcoming solo show at the Curious Duke gallery on white cross street
"Woman" by #CODEFC#codefc has recently been to Sri Lanka and witnessed the atrocity of the civil war that hit the country. Below are his words, no edit whatsoever, raw like the atrocities that Sri Lanka suffered and is still subject to. Thank you Fab to try to raise awareness.
“it s related to a sensitive subject happened a while ago but still very fresh over u probably know the gosl( gov of sri lanka) has been at war with the LTTE for the past 25 yrs and the struggle culminated in 2009 with the defeat of the tigers and the killing of 40000 innocent tamils.
In my recent visit I had the chance to go ( briefly..for safety reasons) to eelam( the north east part of lanka) and speak to a few people. the situation there is still really bad and people are being abused on a daily basis.Even for tourist like me the situation has changed lately since the gosl has kicked out All NGOs and any white ( westerner) is seen as a pro tamil therefore pro tigers . roadblock are every few hundreds meters , passport controls and questions…the project is based on the sorrow of the genocide that the government inflicted on the tamil minority and I tried to keep it impartial ( not supporting the tigers) during the war the un was told safety for their troops was not guaranteed (???) and therefore they left leaving no one to monitor the cruelties that happened there in the last months of the war .
I m not the best person to explain the whys and hows of the situation but a quick history search will show that the tigers were not the real problem of lanka but the diversity os the tamil ( favoured by the british during colonization for speaking better english and being better at their duties and the sinhalese community , and their non capability of living together .From what I ve seen the problem is still there , the north- east areas are a huge military base ( I myself started getting really uncomfortable about the situation and that lead me to do less painting that what I intentionally wanted to )
I hope my paintings raise some issues about the validity of the UN and the indifference of the nations that are part of it. If u have not had the chance of watching it please spare 45 mins srilanka s killing fields broadcasted on channel 4 ( u ll find it if u goole it .. full version ) also worth checking is with a rather complete report on the situation there .
some of the designs were actually taken from that they relate to real people of that area ( some are on houses destroyed by the fighting ..with real bullet holes”
Codefc has just come back from Ibiza where he spent a few weeks (what?!). He obviously took the opportunity to leave his marks on a few surfaces and kindly sent us a few pictures of his work.