The latest JR installation is strong and powerful

JR | Art-PieThe latest JR installation is strong and powerful. Meet Kikito, a Mexican baby boy.

The place: the US-Mexico border fence. Which way is the baby looking over? You would have guessed it – Kikito is looking over the border from the Mexican side.

The daily struggle for Mexicans to cross the US border

This new installation,a huge scaffolding installation, tells us about the struggle of millions of Mexicans to cross the border and enter the US.

Kikito is depicted as happily playing while looking over the US side of the infamous border wall but neither him nor his family can see that, neither him nor his parents can cross the border – and this is the point of this artwork.

JR | Art-Pie
Click to enlarge


Each time I’ve seen walls that have caught my attention, or that I’ve heard about a lot in the media, they would stick in my mind. I would even dream about it. When Trump started to talk a lot about a wall along the Mexican border, one day I woke up and I saw a kid looking over the wall.

I was wondering, What is this kid thinking? What would any kid think? We know that a one-year-old doesn’t have a political vision, or any political point of view. He doesn’t see walls as we see them.


Up until the 2nd October

If you are lucky to be in Southern California between now and the 2nd October, here is the exact location. We would strongly recommend to swing by to see that.

JR | Art-Pie
A view of the scaffolding used for this installation

About JR

JR is a French artist who has been working on his “Inside Out” project for quite a few years. He travels the world in his photo-booth truck and snap portraits of people he meets along the way. Then, he pastes them onto buildings or walls – or on scaffoldings in this instance.

Clerkenwell design week – Sarah Wiestner's installation

The Clerkenwell design week is back again from tomorrow, the 24th May, and will result in an exciting buzz where art meets design and vice versa. Not less than 60 showrooms and a pile of events (over 150 events) such pop up exhibitions, installations, talks, performances, music and workshops, the area is where to be for the next couple of days.

Sarah Wiestner

One of the exhibitions that got me excited at this year’s Clerkenwell design week, is Sarah Wiestner’s axcrylics mirrors, MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) and LEDs lights installation or make over of the infamous House of Detention known to be haunted. The prison was demolished in 1890, but an entire underground section survived and lay undisturbed until the bombs of the Blitz saw it reopened as an air-raid shelter. After World War II it was again largely forgotten until, in 1993, it became a museum.

How Sarah plays with mirrors and make the space transparent is often deceived or shaken by the encounter of a dead end paths. Many openings were sealed off last century. The LEDs lights give back the light to this place once in a the complete dark. I have not been yet but can already sense a very interesting and exciting mix of elements and feelings.

Read more
> The website and blog of Sarah Wiestner (some awesome stuff) –
> Cklerkenwell design week –
> The House of Detention –

Video painting: showing the world in real time

What an exciting concept and so twenty-first century! Any web 2.0 person with a strong interest in art has to embrace this concept.

Not surprising that the idea blossomed in a philosopher mind – Hilary Lawson who is also a documentary film maker.

What is all about then?

‘escape the limitations of the traditional video narrative’
‘escape our cultural and perceptual closures, freeing the viewer to play in the openness of the image’

Wow, well said folks from the Open Gallery which now represents the Artscape project – the collective of artists founded by Mr Lawson in 2003

Immerse yourself into the piece you are looking at, just experience it, get out of it a simple feeling. Ditch the attempts to understand why, just enjoy the what is in front of your eyes.

Yes, video painting will set you free so check out that piece from Mr Lawson entitled Play in Three Acts

Check the open gallery website for more videos –

For the techies, computer scientists developed in 2003 a technology (known as Laluna) which enabled video paintings to be stored and played in such a manner that their order did not repeat (but was also not random) getting thus rid of the constraint that limit the potential of video art.

I do not know for you guys but ART-PIE is now very impatient to go and check it out at the Open Gallery so watch this space!


Immaterials: light painting WiFi networks

Light Painting WiFi is the creation of Timo Arnall, Jorn Knutsen, Einar Sneve Martinussen. Their work explores the invisible terrain of WiFi networks in Oslo urban spaces.

They put together a four-meter tall measuring rod with 80 points of light reveals cross-sections through WiFi networks using a photographic technique called light-painting. By the simple action of walking down streets, they are able to pick up the thousands of WiFi signals and with the help of a long exposure camera, transform them into wall, barriers of lights.

Beyond the art aspect of this work, this technique has also a research purpose as the data collected is used to evaluate the quality of the Oslo wireless networks.

Immaterials: Light painting WiFi from Timo on Vimeo.

Related links
> Flickr set

Hollyweed not Hollywood, the prankster who hijacked the hills of California

Hollyweed not Hollywood, the prankster (and his wife) who hijacked the hills of California.

You most probably heard about this very recent prank – on the 1st January, the famous HOLLYWOOD sign got hijacked to read HOLLYWEED.

Hollyweed by Jesus Hands | Art-Pie
Click to enlarge

 “I wanted to make people laugh”

Zach Fernandes, the artist behind this prank, also goes by “JesusHands,” – at the time of writing this post, his Twitter account seems to have been suspended –

We hear that Zach Fernandes’s motive behind this prank was just to make people laugh but pressure got too high and the artist cracked under it.

“If I did break the law in trespassing, I’m not going to run from the law,

Fernandez said.

The artist turned himself in on Monday.

Over the fence and a bit of sewing

Hollyweed | Art-Pie
Click to enlarge

Looking more closely at how the sign was transformed, you’ll notice that he wrapped letters with tarps to transform its message.

We literally were sewing stuff the day of. It was so fun and exhilarating.

> Read more about this on Buzzfeed

Example of a post

Anonymosch, Otto Schade | Art-Pie
Click to enlarge

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This is a header

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This is another header

Nulla a lacus et felis ornare tincidunt eu in libero. Aenean vulputate orci fermentum posuere ornare. Ut nec turpis id magna placerat aliquet eu sed eros. Sed lacus erat, euismod a condimentum ac, sodales ac erat. Sed tempor nec magna quis pharetra. Nunc ut commodo augue. Quisque risus nulla, efficitur non augue sit amet, placerat congue nunc.

Pellentesque ultrices, arcu vel vestibulum sodales, augue dolor consectetur nunc, nec ultricies diam nunc sit amet magna. In elementum quam scelerisque mauris finibus volutpat a non odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Sed tincidunt enim dictum mauris dictum, sed dictum elit pharetra. Aenean mattis et enim sed bibendum.

Etiam justo mi, lacinia eu tempor at, blandit id orci. Nulla tincidunt, risus id efficitur convallis, sem purus feugiat felis, ac egestas urna nisl ut velit. Suspendisse eu laoreet nisi. Morbi ornare nulla eget dictum suscipit. Donec eget ultrices orci. In magna leo, rhoncus ac blandit non, eleifend in nisi. Nam venenatis purus vitae libero venenatis vulputate vitae sed urna. Quisque ultricies condimentum magna vel ultrices.

This is a gallery

Mauris ac turpis eleifend magna vulputate interdum. Pellentesque vel imperdiet purus. Nunc cursus rhoncus risus et venenatis. Suspendisse mi magna, malesuada ut diam ac, ornare sodales dolor. Vestibulum feugiat ex non lacus imperdiet, nec porta sem rutrum. Praesent lectus ipsum, bibendum eu libero non, egestas posuere nisl. Proin auctor

Printmaking: A Complete Guide to Materials & Processes

Printmaking: A Complete Guide to Materials & Processes | Art-Pie
Click to enlarge

We recently received “Printmaking – a Complete Guide to Materials & Processes ” from our favourite publisher Laurence King and were astonished by the amount of information in this new edition. If you are after any level of guidance on how to print anything, get that book today!


Printmaking is a practical and comprehensive guide to printmaking techniques. This fully updated edition includes expanded chapters on digital and mixed media processes, and a brand new ‘Print & Make’ chapter, which explores the opportunities for creative expression within the many processes available to print makers.

The more traditional techniques of relief, intaglio, collograph, lithography, screen printing and monoprint have also been refreshed with the addition of new images showing a broader range of subject matter, including more contemporary prints and international artists. A new section on the traditions and techniques of Japanese woodblock printing completes the update.

Each technique is explored from the development of the printing or digital matrix, through the different stages of creation to image output. Clear step-by-step illustrations, interviews with contemporary printmakers and a wide range of images showing the best of cutting-edge printmaking today offer an inspirational resource.

Guidance on how to set up a print studio, sections on troubleshooting techniques and the inclusion of up-to-date lists of suppliers, workshops and galleries make this an essential volume for beginner and experienced printmakers alike.

Street art goes digital in Paris

I stumbled across these very creative pictures of what appear to be some street art in Paris. Now, it would seem that the twist is that no one went into the streets and made those up but instead, someone sat in front of a computer and produced them. I must hope I got it right here as there was not much information about these pictures.

I can already hear the street art purists stomping their feet and voice that, to call something street art, the artist has to go out there, amongst the passing-by walkers and produce something. Well, I might agree with this to some extent but I thought I’ll share these pics from a pure creativity point of view which I think is awesome here.