Banksy’s new work on a wall of a Bristolian school

A large number of people always get quite to very excited when a new Banksy work is discovered and we must admit, we were one of these this time round when we read this morning about this new work somewhere near Bristol… Keep reading on. A contest amongst pupils at the origin of all this Bridge … Continue reading Banksy’s new work on a wall of a Bristolian school

10 awesome Christmas-related street art works

The festive season is upon which has and always will inspire artistic creativity.   While British street artist Moose just created a pretty incredible Christmas scene with only a toothbrush and moss (!) on South Bank wall Moose – see more of Moose aka Paul Curtis Christmas scene, there are many holiday themed street and graffiti artist creations. Scouring … Continue reading 10 awesome Christmas-related street art works

Street art, graffiti and big big smackers

Let’s face it, 10 years ago that post would have not existed because ten years ago, street art, graffiti or urban art, let’s call it that, wasn’t around. I actually need to point out that it was around but not as popular as it is now. Now popular often leads to some sort of fame … Continue reading Street art, graffiti and big big smackers